• Alien D - Broadway Mid-Tempo Party Music [NEW]
  • Alien D - Broadway Mid-Tempo Party Music [NEW]

Alien D - Broadway Mid-Tempo Party Music [NEW]

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Fixed Rhythms

Artists - Alien D

Formats - 1x Vinyl 12"

Country - United State

Genres - Electronic

Styles - Techno Breaks House


ALIEN D aka Daniel Creahan is a staple in the NYC underground. He co-runs SWEAT EQUITY and is one half of DEKALB WORKS. For this EP, he’s cooked up 4 heady dance floor churners that draw influence from many points along the UK hardcore continuum and US tech-tonic landscape. These cuts are applicable and psychedelically functional for all times of the night. Early support and play by CCL, AceMo, Miley Serious, 2Lanes, Wngdu, Devoye, Ru, Masha, Mazewski, and Furtive.

“Dream Burner'' opens up with a tantalising, syncopated kick, a rim-shot rhythm, and a brain-scratching zoom…it starts out tiptoeing around the 4/4 and then fully gives the four only to end back where the track started…presenting you with the Beat in between the downs and ups. “Spicy Action” is the perfect mix of chill and party…dubbed-out breaks and synth stabs laced over traveling bass drum patterns. No seatbelts in this cruiser, so hang tight!

Flip to the B side. “Party Glitters” is a sunrise outdoor rave anthem. Blissed out techno breaks for the long-haulers. At 8 minutes and some change, this is one you’ll want to let work its own magic…it’s a goer! “Sunrise Deli” ends the EP with tangible optimism, the power of the kinship found at a solid rave. Lush synths ease in more brain-tingling techno percussion and bring the EP to a bright close.

300 copies pressed worldwide. Don’t sleep on this one.


ALIEN D(Daniel Creahan)是紐約市地下音樂界的重要人物,他是SWEAT EQUITY的聯合創始人之一。在這張EP中,他製作了4首充滿活力的音樂,受到英國 hardcore continuum 和美國 tech-tonic 多方面的影響,這些音樂適合用於在任何時間,具有強大的能量,許多DJ們如 CCL、AceMo、Miley Serious、2Lanes、Wngdu、Devoye、Ru、Masha、Mazewski和Furtive都有提前支持和播放了Alien D 的作品。

“Dream Burner”以令人垂涎的不規則的切分的Kick、鈴鼓節奏和令人回味的緩慢高音開始輕跳的繞著4/4節奏,給出完整的四拍,最終在回到開頭的音軌,讓你感受到節奏的跌宕起伏。 “Spicy Action”則是冷靜和派對的完美結合……Dub Techn的鮮明節拍和具有獨特風格的 Breakbeats ,這音樂就像是坐在一輛高速行駛沒有安全帶的汽車裡,所以要牢牢抓緊!

翻轉到B面。“Party Glitters”就像是一首在室外狂歡等日出 rave 歌曲。8分鐘的音樂時間,充滿了極致的快感和無限的可能性,這是一首需要你運用自己的想像讓它發揮自身魔力的作品! “Sunrise Deli”以實在的樂觀主義作結束,描繪了在Rave派對上找到的親密關係,華麗的合成器和令人愉悅衝擊腦門的節奏作為這張EP的結尾。
